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2021 was the first year for OSLO FRINGE FESTIVAL, and we hope to have many more festivals in the future. Our focus is on the performing arts, which includes everything from theatre to art performances and monologues. OSLO FRINGE FESTIVAL aims to become a theatre festival that gathers and promotes the city's performing artists and free groups. We will cultivate our own local heroes and together promote the free performing arts in Oslo. Our artists are chosen by the artistic council in dialogue with the technical manager and venue.


Dates 2024

4th - 8th Sept



Amanda Thunsberg - Project manager

Sjur Marqvardsen - Project initiator, Artistic council

Stig Berg - Technical manager

Silje Lindberg - Artistic council

Patrik Stenseth - Artistic council

Jenny Mueni Ndunda - Artistic council

Cecilie Henriksen - Artistic council

Kjell Moberg - Artistic council

Cathrine Frost Andersen - Artistic council

Katrine Jamtli - Production assistent

Oda Ellen Groth - Project team, sponsor manager

Markus Giæver Nordbye - Project team, volunteer manager Ida

Agathe Hidle - Project team, review manager

Solveig Kongshaug Blomvik - Project team, marketing manager

Kristoffer Egseth - Party manager




SALT art&music, Norsk skuespillersenter, Oslo Teatersenter



General information and inquiries:

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