Gothenburg Fringe Festival is an explosion of creativity. Join us at unique and unexpected venues across the city for uncensored, cutting-edge performance art which stimulates, educates and entertains.
The city is our stage - be ready to discover art in unexpected places. Our venues include conventional theatre, dance and music stages as well as exciting performance spaces like an old pirate mansion from the 18th century and an old water reservoir.
Heading into our eighth year, we aim to make the 2024 event our best yet, providing the people of Gothenburg with a festival experience like no other. Our programme includes performances of all shapes and sizes, there's a show out there for you - this is art for everyone!

Dates 2023:
30th Aug - 8th Sept
Festival directors:
Josh Franklin, Hanna Gödl & Chris O'Reilly
Göteborgs stad, Higab, Nordic Culture Point